Corruption Defender By Colin Leet

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About The Game

This is one of the three game I designed for CS-401; a game design class by Ashwin Law at Denison University in 2012.


It was originally going to be a one-player version of battleship, but once I developed the game's "scanning" mechanism I changed the premise and story of the game to allow the game to be realtime instead of turn based. I made the original game in about four days of programming. The following summer I gave the game a massive update to make it something more than a proof of concept.


Some of these changes include moving from 3 static levels, to allowing there to be larger variances between play throughs (randomly changing map sizes, time, count and size of block segments). I added sound and animation to the blocks, and a moving camera, which allowed for the game to have much larger maps. The game now has 10 levels and should give any fresh player at least a good 25-30 minutes of fun gameplay.


Story: You play as a hacker for the pentagon; who is fighting off a malicious virus which is actively adapting, hiding itself in any file marked "important". These are sensitive government files, and the adaptive virus is actively corrupting them on disk. Find the virus in the files, so these files can stop being quarantined.



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